Lauat Hair Fall Treatment Herbal, promotes hair growth, 250ml

Lauat Hair Fall Treatment Herbal, promotes hair growth, 250ml

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Herbal shampoo that has the unique property of Preventing Falling Hair

and Promotes Hair Growth

Lauat has been tried and tested in the US and has also been exported to Germany, Italy and other countries. It has taken over a market

normally dominated by preparations from aloe vera.

Lauat is derived from “lawat” (Litsea glutinosa), a plant that is indigenous to Masbate, Philippines , where residents have long been using the sap from the plant’s leaves as shampoo.

Lauat herbal hair loss treatment products are made from natural extracts namely gugo (Entada phaseoloides), virgin coconut oil, and lawat from the Southeast Asian regions, which have been proven to treat hair loss and dandruff problems.

Lauat herbal hair care products also contain essential fatty acids to moisturize, nourish and accelerate growth of hair follicles.

They also help clean the scalp from dirt and other environmental wastes.

Clinical results on a test group showing the amount of falling hair .

There was a 48-percent improvement during the first week of the experiment. On the second week, there is a 53-percent

improvement, third week 75 percent improvement and then the

fourth week, 89 percent improvement

Invented by a Filipino Doctor, Dr. Rainier Villanueva.

This reputable company is a bonafide member of the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, Nevada, USA

Rainiers Research and Development Institute (RRDI) is the first Filipino herbal company that established a manufacturing facility in the United States. RRDI is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) of the Republic of the Philippines.